This is my dog, Cooper. He has a passionate interest in frisbees, especially yellow ones. I learnt that dogs can’t easily differentiate between yellow and green, and when the frisbee is immobile on the lawn, it takes a little extra effort for Cooper to find it. Instead of relying on sight alone, he sometimes uses his sense of smell to locate it. But he finds it every time. In fact Cooper is very persistent and will not give up on finding a frisbee regardless of the time it takes, or the weather, or meal time, or even if his Dad gives up.

It doesn’t matter how many times we lose the frisbee in the bushes or in the pool due to Dad’s bad aim, Cooper is ready to seek it out and retrieve it one more time, to the point of exhaustion (my arm, his legs).

I find Cooper quite interesting from an Organizational perspective.
He is 100% committed to complete the team goal of finding and returning the frisbee no matter how badly his colleague throws the frisbee and will often employ additional talents to reach that goal (that’s good).
He is focused on the goal to the point that his personal needs take second place (great for the team, could be bad for Cooper eventually if he misses too many meals)

But what does Cooper receive as reward for all his efforts?
Sure, he gets some praise from Dad when he catches the frisbee in mid-air, or when he finds it in a bush. He definitely gets a lot of exercise.
I think that for him on some unfathomable canine level, the personal satisfaction of knowing that he conquers that frisbee day in and day out is what keeps him coming back to do it again every day.

Should we be more like Cooper?



-Anthony Walley


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